Transiciones inconclusas y nuevos autoritarismos en América Latina

edited by Tiziana Bertaccini, Carlos Illades

Publication year: 2024

Language: spanish


ISBN: 978-88-95285-78-8

Number of pages: 270

Volume format: A5

Cover price: 25.00€


ISBN: 978-88-95285-79-5

Number of pages: 270

Volume format: A5

Cover price: 12.00€

The democratic regression that Latin America has been experiencing for some years now confirms the evident difficulties in the process of its consolidation and supports the hypotheses of incomplete democratic transitions that, in some cases, have opened the door to new authoritarianism. Despite governments of different signs having exercised power, since 2010 the decline of representative democracy has been systematic, with increasing disaffection for politics, abstentionism, and support for authoritarianism. Latin American political systems still contain authoritarian residues that the multiple institutional reforms enacted during democratic transitions have not fundamentally changed, and, above all, have not fully transformed the political culture. Journalists and human rights defenders are criminalized and killed, while security forces respond violently to peaceful demonstrations. Another alarming fact is the increased prominence of the military in Latin American politics, making up a third of military elements. The ten essays that make up this volume offer a comprehensive overview of these processes during the new millennium, a specific study of some countries, and provide suggestive clues for understanding the tension between democracy and authoritarianism evident in the subcontinent.

Go to the collection catalog to order the book.

Presentazione all'Università di Napoli "L'orientale"
Presentazione all'Università di Napoli "L'orientale"
Presentazione al CeSPI


Historia, Autoritarismos, Derechas, América Latina, Política, Storia dell'America latina

Who is Tiziana Bertaccini


Tiziana Bertaccini is a professor of Latin American History at the University of Turin, she has lived and worked in Mexico. Her research focuses on political-institutional history (20th-21st centuries). Among her publications: El régimen priísta frente a las clases medias (1943-1964), CONACULTA, 2009; Le Americhe Latine nel XX secolo, Feltrinelli, 2014 and Marco Bellingeri: Avventura latinoamericana, series nova americana, Otto editore, 2023.

Who is Carlos Illades


Carlos Illades is a distinguished professor at UAM and a member of the Mexican Academy of History. His most recent books are Por la izquierda. Intelectuales socialistas en México (Akal, 2023), Izquierdas radicales en México. Anarquismos y nihilismos posmodernos (Penguin Random House, 2023, in collaboration with Rafael Mondragón), and La revolución imaginaria. El obradorismo y el futuro de la izquierda en México (Océano, 2024).


Presentation at CeSPI - December 4, 2024

Dec. 4, 2024


On the occasion of the presentation of the book by Tiziana Bertaccini and Carlos Illades, "Transiciones inconclusas y nuevos autoritarismos en América Latina" CeSPI organized a meeting to discuss these topics with Tiziana Bertaccini, Luigi Guarnieri Calò Carducci, Fabio Porta, Donato Di Santo.

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