nova americana

understand and analyze themes related to the American continent

The series

The Nova Americana series was born in the year 2000 thanks to the initiative of Marco Bellingeri, Marcello Carmagnani and Maurizio Vaudagna of the Department of Political Studies of the University of Turin, as a tool to unite those who wish to understand and explore issues relating to the American continent, both in its internal dimension as well as in its inter-American and international dimension. The series brings together about thirty volumes published in Italian, Spanish and English.

In 2023 the Nova Americana series is renewed under the direction of scholars who have been close collaborators of its founders and with a renewed international Scientific Committee. In continuity with its past, the series is divided into the sections "LatinoAmerica" and "NordAmerica"; it hosts innovative and original research works in the fields of history, languages, literature, anthropology and political science with an interdisciplinary vision, open to transversal studies, to foster scientific and intercultural dialogue.

L\u0027America Latina contemporanea
L'America Latina contemporanea

Latest Titles Published

Storie irriverenti. La narrativa breve messicana del ’900 in dieci racconti.
Storie irriverenti. La narrativa breve messicana del ’900 in dieci racconti.
Transiciones inconclusas y nuevos autoritarismos en América Latina
Transiciones inconclusas y nuevos autoritarismos en América Latina
Italia e Cuba / Cuba e Italia: incontri e nuove identità (secoli XV\u002DXXI)
Italia e Cuba / Cuba e Italia: incontri e nuove identità (secoli XV-XXI)
Marco Bellingeri: Avventura Latinoamericana
Marco Bellingeri: Avventura Latinoamericana

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